You are invited to join the Villa Park & Lombard Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs for Golf Under the Stars!
To reserve your spot, please contact Kandice Krettler at 630-478-4025 or via email at
Friday, October 4
Sugar Grove Golf Course
500 E Van Buren St
Villa Park, IL 60181
Dinner 6:15 to 7:15 p.m.
PM Golf 7:15 to 9:30 p.m.
Tickets $65 per person includes catered dinner & golf tickets
$30 per person includes catered dinner (only dinner)
Raffle and cash bar!
Funds raised at this evening will support Kiwanis causes such as the Villa Park Easter Seals, local food pantries, as well as the Northeast DuPage Special Recreational Association. By participating in this great event, you will also support Rotary's Shoe and Boot Drive for District 45 and 48 students.